Apply Discounts based on partner status
  • 17 Aug 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Apply Discounts based on partner status

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Article summary

For some customers you might want to give them a special discount when they buy certain products or products in a certain group. In OrderCentral this can be done through Webshop Partner Discounts.

Define partner discounts

As the product now has a price, start to make some client/account specific settings.

  1. From the App Launcher search for Account then select Account
  2. Open the account for which buyers will get access to the shop. If the account doesn’t exist yet you can create one now.
  3. On the account go to the tab ‘Related’ and look for Partner Discounts.
  4. Create a New Partner Discount for this client.
    a. Define the discount, the start/end date and status of the discount.
    b. Also define the product group(s) the discount is applicable to.

When the Partner Discount related list is not visible you can add it to the account page layout