  • 02 Apr 2021
  • 1 Minute to read
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Article summary

Orders are created as Web Orders in your CRM. As default the name of the Web Order contains the date and the product with the highest price: PO-yyyy-mm-dd (highest priced product).

Change Order name

Create Auto Number field

  1. Go to: Setup → Object Manager → Web Orders → Fields & Relationships
  2. Click New and a create 'Auto Number' field in desired format

Create Process Builder

  1. Go to: Setup → Process Builder
  2. Click New and fill in required fields, the process starts on record change
  3. Select Web Order as Object and select 'When a record is created or edited'
  4. Create Criteria that updates on 'No criteria'
  5. Create Action type Update Records and choose 'Select the ordercentral__Web_Order__c record that started your process'
  6. Select the field 'Name' and update by Field Reference with the created Auto Number field
  7. Activate the process