Confirmation messages and other notifications
  • 09 Mar 2021
  • 1 Minute to read
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Confirmation messages and other notifications

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Article summary

The customer will see a confirmation message on the last page of checkout.
Follow the next steps to send the customer a confirmation email.

Create Email Template

  1. Go to: Setup → Classic Email Templates
  2. Click New
  3. Choose Custom (to use HTML code)
  4. Fill in the required field and check available for use and click Next
  5. Create your email subject and message
  6. Click Save

Create Email Alert

  1. Go to: Setup → Email Alerts
  2. Click New Email Alert
  3. Choose Web Order in the Object picklist
  4. Search the Email Template you want to use
  5. In the Recipient Type picklist, select creator and add Record Creator to the Selected Recipients
  6. Click Save

Create Process Builder

  1. Go to: Setup → Process Builder
  2. Click New and fill in required fields, the process starts on record change
  3. Select Web Order as Object and select 'Only when a record is created'
  4. Create Criteria that updates on 'No criteria'
    a. Or when conditions are met: Status equals Order Created
  5. Create Action type Email Alert and choose the created email alert
  6. Activate the process

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