Generate personalized Product Lists
  • 23 Feb 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Generate personalized Product Lists

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Article summary

Be sure to configure web product lists for the buyers by following these steps.

Configure new Web Product List type

  1. Go to the Salesforce Setup
  2. Open the Object Manager
  3. Search and open Web Product List
  4. Go to fields and select Type
  5. Add a new picklist entry for the type of Web Product Lists you will be generating

Create data

  1. Insert new Web Product Lists and assign them to the correct Contact record
  2. Be sure to set the buyers user account as record owner
  3. Create new Web Product Relationships and use the Web Product List to relate it to the new Web Product Lists
  4. Set the Web Product To field to the right Web Product
  5. Set the Type to List
  6. Set the buyers user account as record owner