- 26 Nov 2024
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- Updated on 26 Nov 2024
- 1 Minute to read
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IStockLevelProvider Method signature
GetStockLevelResponse getStockLevels(GetStockLevelRequest request);
GetStockLevelRequest properties
Property name | Type | Description |
productIds | Set(Id) | Product2 ids for which the stock level should be retrieved |
stockItems | List<GetStockLevelRequest.StockItem> | A list of StockItem objects containing product (same as in the productIds property) and pricebook IDs. |
GetStockLevelRequest.StockItem properties
Name | Type | Description |
productId | Id | The Product2 Id of a product to retrieve the stock for |
pricebookId | Id | The Pricebook2 Id which is used to determine the price for the account of the buyer. |
GetStockLevelResponse properties
Property name | Type | Description |
stockLevelItems | List(StockLevelItem) | Stock levels related to the specified product ids in the GetStockLevelRequest |
StockLevelItem properties
Property name | Type | Description |
productId | Id | The Product2 id to which the stock level is associated |
remainingQuantity | Decimal | The remaining stock level amount |
minimalQuantity | Decimal | Specify to override the default minimal stock level entered on a Web Product or in the global settings |
Example implementation
public class CustomStockLevelProvider implements welisacommerce.IStockLevelProvider {
public welisacommerce.GetStockLevelResponse getStockLevels(welisacommerce.GetStockLevelRequest request) {
// Create a response object
welisacommerce.GetStockLevelResponse response = new welisacommerce.GetStockLevelResponse();
response.stockLevelItems = new List<welisacommerce.StockLevelItem>();
// Iterate over the request's stock items and populate stock levels
for (welisacommerce.GetStockLevelRequest.StockItem item : request.stockItems) {
welisacommerce.StockLevelItem stockLevelItem = new welisacommerce.StockLevelItem();
stockLevelItem.productId = item.productId;
stockLevelItem.stockLevel = getStockLevelForProduct(item.productId, item.pricebookId);
return response;
private Integer getStockLevelForProduct(Id productId, Id pricebookId) {
// Custom logic to fetch stock level for the given product and pricebook
return 100; // Example stock level