Setup Multiple Price Books in an Account
  • 30 Nov 2023
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Setup Multiple Price Books in an Account

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Article summary

Setup Multiple Price Books in An Account

In the page of Accounts, you may add a price book in the Details tab Price Book field and multiple price books in the Related tab Account Pricebooks.

  1. Go to the account for which multiple price books need to be set up.
  2. On the account page navigate to the Account Price Books section (Related List) and click on the New button to relate the account to a new price book.
  3. Please input the Order and select the price book you want, then click Save.
  4. Repeat step 2 and 3 to add additional price books 

Setup Price Books
If you do not know about creating price books and adding a price book to the field in the Details tab yet, please go to Setup Price Books.

The Priority of Price Books

Please pay attention to the priority of the price books!

The price book in the Details tab is always in prior, and other Account Pricebooks will be after the price book in the Details tab and follow its Order.

  • If you remove the price book in the Details tab, the priority will go to Account Pricebooks. 
  • If you remove a price book in Account Pricebooks, please organize Order again to make sure the priority is as expected.
Why Are The Products Not Visible In The Shop?
If the changes are not showed in the shopafter you add a second price book, please go to Why is my product not visible?.