Learn about Products, Price Books and Discounts
  • 23 Feb 2024
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Learn about Products, Price Books and Discounts

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Article summary

OrderCentral supports customer specific prices and leverages the Pricebook, Product and PricebookEntry objects to achieve that. In practice this means that each account will need to be configured with a pricebook that contains active prices for all products the buyer should be able to order. 

The following properties are important when setting up the pricebook. 

AccountPricebookUsed to retrieve which products the buyer can order
ProductIsActiveOnly active products are being displayed to the buyer
Only products with active prices are being displayed to the buyer
CurrencyIsoCodeOnly products with a prices in the currency that matches the currency of the buyer will be displayed
UserCurrencyIsoCodeOnly products with a prices in the currency that matches the currency of the buyer will be displayed

You might be wondering how these Pricebooks, Products and Pricebook entries relate to the Web Products. The Web Products are the records that are actually being displayed in the shopping experience. However the Pricebook related to the buyers account determines which Web Products will be displayed. If the pricebook does not hold an active price for the buyers currency for a product that is wrapped by a Web Product, the Web Product will not be displayed.