Configure Shopping Cart button redirects
  • 03 May 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Configure Shopping Cart button redirects

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Article summary

Back to cart button

  1. In the site builder go to the page which hosts the Shopping Cart - Overview component.
  2. Select the component.
  3. In the component property panel (on the right side of the screen) search for Back Button Link.
  4. Replace the value with either an website url or the API Name* of the Experience Page which the users should be redirected to.

Checkout button

  1. In the site builder go to the page which hosts the Shopping Cart - Overview component.
  2. Select the component.
  3. In the component property panel (on the right side of the screen) search for Checkout Button Link.
  4. Replace the value with either an website url or API Name* of the Experience Page which the users should be redirected to.

* Can be found by opening the Site Pages panel and click the gear icon behind the page